Triumph Services is a division of Jessie's World Incorporated...
In 2009, Jessie's World Incorporated was founded in honor of the late Jessie Perkins, whose legacy of unconditional love and support is demonstrated in the care that we seek to provide to all of our families. The mission of Jessie's World is to help individuals achieve sobriety and independence through supportive services at a time of crisis or a turning point in their lives.
In Ohio, Jessie's World has joined forces with NISRE Inc. to provide mothers with supportive housing and holistic care management, while allowing them the opportunity to rebuild their family structure. Children will also be provided supportive services, such as family reunification and exposure to the cultural arts. The unique aspect of our program is the focus on the family as we recognize the importance of a strong family bond that can break the cycle of addiction, dysfunction, and poverty.
Contact NISRE Inc. - Jessie's World for referral information (614) 253-8969 or
In 2016, Jessie's World Incorporated moved to North Carolina and expanded its offerings to include the programming of TRIUMPH SERVICES! At that time, services were expanded to provide supportive services and peer support services for individuals in transition from ncarceration, and recovery from mental health crises and brain injury.
For information about TRIUMPH SERVICES, please see the "Triumph Services" page or call (980) 263-9670.
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